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Verfügbarkeitsstufe - Availability Level

Availability Level klassifizieren Auswirkungen (Impact) bei Ausfall, Abbruch, Unterbrechnung

Neben der 9er-Klassifizierung gibt es noch die Bewertung durch den Availability Level ( AL). Dieser Kennwert beschreibt die Einschränkungen bei Ausfall, Abbruch, Unterbrechnung von Transaktionen und anderen Beeinträchtigungen. Es gibt vier AL-Level 1 bis 4 in denen die Beeinträchtigungen bewertet sind.

Beim Availability Level geht es um die Auswirkungen (Impact) bei Ausfall, Abbruch, Unterbrechnung von Transaktionen und anderen Beeinträchtigungen, die ein bestimmter Availability Level im Problemfall mit sich bringt. Die Klassifizierung kennt die Availability Levels 1 bis 4.

AL-1Availability Level AL-1 – MinimalLoss of availability poses minimal impact or financial losses.
AL-2Availability Level AL-2 – LowLoss of availability may cause minor losses or inefficiencies.
AL-3Availability Level AL-3 – ModerateLoss of availability would result in moderate financial losses and/or reduced customer service. IT Resources that support the main, day-to-day and operational activities
AL-4Availability Level AL-4 – HighLoss of availability would result in major impairment to the overall operation and/or essential services, and/or cause significant financial losses. Resources that are required by statutory, regulatory, and legal obligations are major drivers for this risk level, as are IT Resources that are required for the rest of the IT environment to function.

Availability Level 1 (A1)

Loss of availability poses minimal impact or financial losses.


  • User workstations
  • User laptops

Availability Level 2 (A2)

Loss of availability may cause minor losses or inefficiencies.


  • Websites, Wikis, internal Portals
  • General file servers

Availability Level 3 (A3)

Loss of availability would result in moderate financial losses and/or reduced customer service.


  • Public websites
  • File servers supporting business functions
  • Point-of-sale systems
  • TIME - Time tracking systems
  • Event ticketing systems
  • GIT - Version management systems
  • Work management/ticketing systems (help desk, maintenance, etc)
  • Building management systems affecting operations, Smarthome
  • Financial, accounting, payroll, HR systems

Availability Level 4 (A4)

Loss of availability would result in major impairment to the overall operation of the Location and/or essential services, and/or cause significant financial losses. IT Resources that are required by statutory, regulatory and legal obligations are major drivers for this risk level. Critical IT Infrastructure often falls into this level.


  • Network infrastructure
    • Domain name servers (DNS)
    • AD, Authentication systems (SSO)
  • Processing Infrastructure
  • Storage Infrastructure
  • Domain name servers (DNS)
  • E-mail systems
  • Building access control systems
  • Building management systems affecting life and safety
